Writing an essay ppt
Essay Writing Topics For Ssc Mts
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Budget Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Spending Proposal - Essay Example (Womack, 2009) To be sure, it is supported to contend that exhibition of office is decently lower than police offices in different US states and urban areas. Our specialization needs more work force as just less than 250 representatives are on work against reported opportunities of 310. Thus, the police authorities can't share different law implementation obligations and satisfy their obligations that are allocated by Department Head and state specialists. This thusly prompts extraordinary work over-burden over existing officials along these lines bringing about mental pressure and decrease in execution and proficiency. Furthermore, the employees’ spirit has diminished due to nearly low wages at Macon Police Department against other zone offices including ‘Bibb County Sheriff’s Office and The Medical Center of Central Georgia’. So also, there are additionally less possibilities for officials to accomplish extraneous money related prizes (rewards, pay increment and so fort h) and advancements. Together, these elements demotivate the cops and force to either switch their employments or grandstand low execution. Turnover rates may likewise increment in future if the over two elements are not redressed. (Womack, 2009) To the extent inner proficiency of Macon Police is concerned, it ought to be brought up that officials have been utilizing old vehicles (that require quick upkeep and fix) with out dated in-vehicle cameras. Thus, office likewise doesn't have any modernized PC types of gear, data frameworks and innovation that could help in record keeping of wrongdoings, prompt data get to and in wrongdoing examination. So as to improve department’s generally execution in the light of previously mentioned examination of issues, there is desperate need to improve work pay scale and worker special framework so that officers’ resolve, certainty and duty with their activity could be expanded. Accordingly,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
National Curriculum for USA Free Essays
Since the mid 1980†³s, the issue of America†s wavering state funded educational system has become a genuine concern. The emergency in K-12 instruction is probably the greatest test confronting the country. Ought to there be set government sanctioned tests given to understudies, and besides, should the United States receive a national educational program to stay aware of the gauges of different nations? Lynn Davey and Monty Neill recommend in their exposition entitled, â€Å"The Case against a National Test†that, â€Å"U. We will compose a custom paper test on National Curriculum for USA or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now S. olicymakers and the general population have been deluged with recommendations for national testing†, in light of the fact that the disappointment of the country to enough teach the understudies of America has an interminable rundown of negative impacts. The despicably low consequences of American understudies through universal grades in the United States recommends that with the absence of appropriate training, ages of youngsters are growing up without the fundamental, basic information should have been ready to contend in the working environment. Lynn Davey additionally states, â€Å"But on the grounds that the United States has no national arrangement of accomplishment testing, we can't legitimately look at students†execution over the nation†, in her paper entitled â€Å"The Case for a National Test†. Albert Shanker, who was leader of the American Federation of Teachers asserts in his exposition entitled, â€Å"Are American Schools Too Easy? †that, â€Å"In nations where there is a national educational program, less understudies are lost, and less instructors are lost since they recognize what the understudies who stroll into their homeroom have as of now studied†(122). This is a valid statement, however in the United States understudies and educators are permitted to communicate their thoughts inventively. Not all instructors in the U. S. instruct in a similar way, and therefore it is difficult to set up a national educational program in which all instructors showed very similar things simultaneously. In his exposition entitled, â€Å"The Tyranny of a National Curriculum†Marc Bernstein proposes that, â€Å"People that help a national testing program accept that an excessive number of understudies are neglecting to perform to their latent capacity and that extreme advances should be taken to improve their education†. Be that as it may, what American understudies need is school change, not all the more testing. â€Å"More test scores won't mystically produce instructive improvement†(Davey Neill). The individuals that help national testing should back off for a second and understand that testing isn't the initial phase in learning, and begin concentrating on helping understudies in country towns rather than bigger urban communities. While there are genuine contrasts in the instructive chances of poor and rich understudies, state sanctioned tests misrepresent these distinctions by their predispositions and befuddle absence of capacity with absence of exposure†(Davey Neill). â€Å"France and Japan, for example, have severe national curriculums†(Davey). â€Å"Since an administration organization chooses instructive substance, if the office commits an error, all schools are compelled to oblige it. Such a hazard can be kept away from if the ability to choose instructive substance is moved to state and neighborhood governments†(Chapter 3). The American instructive framework works along these lines, leaving the decisions for instructive substance up to the 50 state and nearby governments. This is gainful to the United States in light of the fact that with such a various populace it leaves the entryway open to change content if necessary to suit certain schools in various towns and urban communities. Opportunity is the trademark of America, and individuals of different nations as a result of this respect Americans. The American instructive framework attempts to create opportunity and innovativeness among its understudies. It permits understudies to investigate their thoughts openly and trains them to accept they can do anything they set their attention to. One can say that the American instructive framework is unique in relation to different nations instructive frameworks. In any case, one can't communicate the possibility that the American framework is more awful than some other instructive framework. Sure the framework needs some change, yet to definitely say we need a national educational program, I think not. Step by step instructions to refer to National Curriculum for USA, Papers
Friday, August 14, 2020
5 Small Presses That Are Absolutely Killing It
5 Small Presses That Are Absolutely Killing It Im a huge fan of small publishers. Because the scale of production precludes scoring huge names to add to their catalogs, small presses often have the advantage of finding really interesting books by fresh voices that may have gone unnoticed because theyre not seen as commercially viable. If you dont already seek out small press books, here are a few publishers who are absolutely killing it with their content: Two Dollar Radio. First, Im so not biased because theyre located in ColumbusI was a fan before I even realized that they were a stones throw from me. If you like edgy, character-based fiction thats occasionally kind of fucked-up, head over to their catalog immediately; a running theme in TDRs fiction seems to be lost characters trying to find their way, and not always successfully or healthily. My personal faves so far: How to Get Into the Twin Palms by Karolina Waclawiak and Ancient Oceans of Central Kentucky by David Connerley Nahm. Chicago Center for Literature and Photography. CCLaP has been putting out strong novellas, essays, and short stories for awhile now; they published their first full-length novel in 2014. Whats incredible about CCLaP is that you can download any of their ebooks from their website for free. Yes, that is freethough you can certainly make a voluntary payment or order paper copies if you liked the work. História, História: Two years in the Cape Verde Islands by Eleanor Stanford is my reigning favorite, though Sad Robot Stories by Mason Johnson is a close second. Hawthorne Books. I cant be enthusiastic enough about Hawthorne Books, and Im not the only one; Chuck Palahniuk has written introductions for two of their books, Dora: a Headcase by Lidia Yuknavitch and Clown Girl by Monica Drake. Publisher Rhonda Hughes has a sharp eye for talent and an equally-talented editing staff that helps each book blossom. She doesnt shy away from difficult stories, either; my favorite title so far has been The End of Eve by Ariel Gore, a memoir that chronicles the death of Ariels difficult (and sometimes scary) mother to cancer, and how the process changes everything in her life. Coffee House Press. If you havent heard of A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing by Eimear McBride yet, its only a matter of time; the books popularity has taken off like a rocket, and based on the number of awards its won, that popularity is well-deserved. It also happens to be part of Coffee House Presss catalog, along with some other really great books. Personal favorites: The Last Warner Woman by Kei Miller and The Cry of the Sloth by Sam Savage. Graywolf Press. If you love poetry, you especially need to hit up Graywolf; they have two Pulitzer Prize-winning poetry collections in their catalog: Life on Mars by Tracy K. Smith and 3 Sections by Vijay Seshadri. If you prefer prose fiction, dont worrythey have plenty of that, as well. Im always on the lookout for a great small press; if you have a favorite, drop it in the comments!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Cultural Awareness Spain ( Spain ) - 1040 Words
Cultural Awareness: Spain Spain is a part of the European Union and makes up most of the Iberian Peninsula. Spain boarders the Pyrenees Mountains, which separates Spain from France and the Strait of Gibraltar separates Spain from North Africa. As of 2012, Spain has a population of about 47 million people, making it the 27th largest country in the world. Native Spaniards make up 88 percent of the population. Over the last 40 years Spain grew and became more economically advanced, but it still falls behind most other countries in Western Europe. Spain is mostly an agricultural country and grows large crops of wheat, barley, vegetables, olives, sugar, grapes, and corks. Spain is the largest producer of lemons, strawberries, and oranges in Europe. Spain is the number one producer of olive oil in the world. While there has been a lot of progress, not everything is good in Spain. Spain suffered a great deal in the recession that hit in 2008, as a result Spain has an unemployment rate of about seven percent. The Spanish-American War in 1898 between the United States and Spain resulted to American intervention. Spain was not a political country when the constitution was made in 1812, and by 1876 the development of the Spanish Empire led to the conversion of Muslims and Jews, which led to religious wars within the country. This also caused economic destruction and termination of succession, but there was a renewal of institution. The American war of Independence wasShow MoreRelatedThe World Becoming A Global Place For Conduct Business1187 Words  | 5 Pagesto help any of your employees who will be assigned to work in Spain. The following document only serves as a guide, and only provides the basic guidelines to Spain’s business etiquette. About Spain Located at the crossroads of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Europe and Africa, Spain s history and culture are made up of a rich mix of diverse elements. The country is a constitutional monarchy; the official name is Kingdom of Spain. The capital and largest city is Madrid. The estimated populationRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Global Problem1207 Words  | 5 PagesThe Government of Spain has worked extensively in the past and during our time on the United Nations Security Council to combat injustices around the globe and also to help nations in need. Some of the issues that our government has been especially focused on include the prevention of human trafficking, whether or not admit Palestine, Kosovo, and Taiwan to the United Nations, and which nation should have domain over the South China Sea. We have worked extensively to determine the best course of actionRead MoreSpain : Unique And Different From Other European Countries1681 Words  | 7 PagesSpain – Uniqu e in Every Way Spain - what makes this unique country so special and so different from other European countries? Is it the people, the fascinating history, the beautiful, intrinsic structures, or the old world feel of the countryside and landscape that has not changed much over history? The answer to this last question can be answered simply as – YES. The Spaniards have embraced their history, heritage and roots and continue to teach the younger generations about this great landRead MoreThe 17th Century Travelogues of Ahmad Bin Qasim and Ilyas Hanna Al-Mawsuli1595 Words  | 7 Pagesintentions, emphasis and encounters of their travels through these Christian Lands. Ahmad bin Qasim was a Muslim born in Andalucia Spain, in the year 1569. A â€Å"New Christian†or convert to the faith, he adopted the Christian practices but secretly stayed true to his Islamic faith. (Matar 6). He had a strong command for both Arabic and Spanish, but at a time in Spain where knowledge of Arabic was an offense, where and which one could be burned at the stake (Matar 6). When this was discovered by SpanishRead MoreA Case Study : Eurodisneys S Poor Performance During Its First Year Of Operations1645 Words  | 7 PagesDisney version of fairytales like Cinderella were almost unrecognizable to those who had grown up on the European (original) versions of the stories. Thus, Disney did not even have the transfer of cultural understanding in the tales that they assumed that they had. 4. How do you assess the cross-cultural marketing skills of Disney? I imagine that they are significantly better now but they were dismally unequal to the task at the time. They simply did not do their homework. Bigger and better is a sellingRead MoreMinority Groups within Empires1090 Words  | 4 Pagessubordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their lives than members of a dominant or majority group.†There are certain characteristics for minority groups. The first is that they have a distinguishing physical or cultural trait. Such a case is manifested regarding the Hijab in France, or the use of Kurdish language by Lebanese Kurds. The second is being treated unequally, and having less control over one’s life, as was the case with Africans in South Africa. The thirdRead MoreThe Rise of Filipino Nationalism1689 Words  | 7 PagesLiberalism -        Liberal ideas from Europe filtered in when Spain gradually exposed Philippine to international commerce. -        The sons and daughters of the Principalia were able to attain education, thereupon giving then exposure to libertarian ideas. 2.      Sentiments against the Principales – proportion of the local aristocracy to the broad masses. 3.      Racial Prejudice -        Inferior race, limited intelligence 4.      Cultural changes -        Ilustrados 5.      Secularization ControversyRead MoreThe Differences Between Myself And People871 Words  | 4 Pagesprejudices or preconceptions about Spaniards or another culture. I have been somewhat culturally naà ¯ve my entire life. This is helpful in not having preconceptions about people, but can be interpreted as a lack of recognition and appreciation of cultural differences by others. For the most part, I accept people for who they present themselves to be to me, not how they are with other people or circumstances. I truly enjoy learning about the differences and similarities between myself and people ofRead MoreManagement Theories And Practice I1414 Words  | 6 Pagescomponents and use them to manage in a global environment. This analysis will help to evaluate my management skills through real world issues in a global environment. Problem This case study displays an example of how two mangers with two different cultural backgrounds conflict with one another’s management styles in an organization that requires a global mindset. Both do not have the mindset of a global environment and do not think outside of their own experiences to better work in collaboration whenRead MoreAnalysis of Article: â€Å"Influence of Mass Media on Body Image and Eating Disordered Attitudes and Behaviors in Females†by Jordi Fauquet, et al.747 Words  | 3 Pagesinadvertently strains female adolescents’ personal self esteem. The majority of the authors’ who published this article studied in Barcelona, Spain. While some studies specify as being conducted in Spain, others provide general descriptions of females who participated in surveys, studies or experiments with no specific origin. With the authors’ research being conducted in Spain, their advertisements across the media may be portrayed differently than in the United States. This may influence the way the information
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Persuasive Speech On School Uniforms - 919 Words
School uniforms, do you consider them as an obstruction of the 1st amendment of the US Constitution â€Å"Freedom of Expression†? How about having equality amongst every child at school age? This is the perfect age to teach them that no matter the social economic status from one child to another, nobody is any less or more then someone else. School uniforms would be an enormous step towards shaping a better future for our children. This would stop all the questions some parents get from their asking â€Å"why I can’t have HM, Tommy Hilfiger, Adidas or American Eagle clothes like other kids in school†. The freedom of dressing how anyone wants is what every teenager wants and does, but this sometimes causes tension amongst them. I will be explaining†¦show more content†¦shirt or Urban outfitters. At this time was when low self-esteem kicked in. I would be shameful of what I wore to school and started to ask for nicer clothes knowing we couldn’t affo rd it. The belittling that went on for a couple of years provoked me the pressure of needing to have what others had. These types of situations happen more often than anyone imagines not just in middle school at any age where one person wants to be better than the rest. Secondly the disagreement most of the parents have about the school uniforms policy. Is just the beginning of the list of cons for this policy and yes, the cost for these such uniforms year by year go up like anything else! But I would imagine since they are being used for school â€Å"governmental†shouldn’t they be provided by the schools. At least a few to start of the year, since school uniforms are not tax-deductible per IRS. It does tend to add up if you have more than one child. So, it does have it pros and cons, but at the end are they worth it? Here is are a couple of statements from parents on their opinion on this issue. Both of the following statements talk about the same issue but with diff erent outcomes. â€Å"School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying†, â€Å"When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits canShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Michelle Obamas Speech900 Words  | 4 Pages A Rhetorical Analysis of Michelle Obama’s 2016 DNC Speech At the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Michelle Obama the first lady at the time, was endorsing the democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Using her personal connection with the president and Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama creates a more personal speech. With her credibility as first lady, use of her family and her platform she lead as first lady, she persuades the audience to spread Hillary Clinton’s campaign messageRead MoreSchool Uniform, Persuasevi Speech1607 Words  | 7 Pages105 11/ 30/ 2007 Persuasive speech School uniform Introduction (Significance and background) Everybody in this class room has had or will have children. Anyway it will happen that your kids will become the most important point of your life. You will do everything to keep them happy. When they are small only you can influence on their behavior. Parents always want to see their kids healthy, well-bread and happy. After some time, when your heirs grow up enough, they will go to school. As soon as thisRead MoreI Am Being Mentally Enslaved by the Government986 Words  | 4 Pagesyou an indecent member of Slavery? Are you the person who procrastinates doing things because of a simple phone call / message or do you put off homework and research because you feel as though it is unimportant? As a student of James Madison High School I can truly say that I AM A FORMER MEMBER OF BEING MENTAL ENSLAVED, I AM FINISHED BEING USED AS A HUMAN GUINEAPIG WHILE THEY ARE BEING RUTHLESS INDIVIDUALS BEING MENTALLY CONTROLLED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT! We as a whole a re being forced to mirrorRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On Children1188 Words  | 5 Pagessyndromes, childhood obesity also affects children mentally. Children with childhood obesity often have poor body image, low self-esteem, social isolation, recurrent anger, clinical depression, early forms of eating disorders, and negatively acting out in school and other sessions (Dill and Moglia). Childhood obesity is not the only effect on children caused by advertisements. A growing body of research suggests links between children’s advertising and parent-child conflicts, violence and aggression, laterRead MoreMalala Yousafzai Speech Analysis934 Words  | 4 Pagestime? â€Å"We loved to wear neat and tidy school uniforms and we would sit there with big dreams in our eyes.†This also goes to show that what some take for granted, others want more than anything. â€Å"I was just 10 when more than 400 schools were destroyed. Women were flogged. People were k illed. And our beautiful dreams turned into nightmares.†These all tie together because of the emotion brought out. You start to realize just how lucky you are if you have a school to attend, a book to read, or a pencilRead MoreFather: Causality and Persuasive Speech8283 Words  | 34 PagesF Derived credibility refers to the credibility of the speaker produced by everything she or he says and does during the speech itself. 9. T F Terminal credibility is the credibility of the speaker at the start of the speech. 10. T F Terminal credibility is the credibility of the speaker at the end of the speech. 11. T F Speakers who explain their expertise on the speech topic are likely to reduce their credibility with the audience. 12. T F A speaker can have high credibility for one audienceRead MorePro Illegal Immigration Speech1722 Words  | 7 PagesSara Rosas April15th, 2010 COM103 Persuasive Speech Topic: illegal immigration General Purpose: to persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to be pro illegal immigration. Central Idea: I will persuade you that illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. by sharing with you some information on the subject, arguments on the subject, and also some solutions to the problem. Introduction: Imagine a teenage girl, only seventeen years old having to go three statesRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of School Uniforms2630 Words  | 11 PagesHead: SCHOOL UNIFORMSSolis 1Final PaperDylan SolisEnglish 102 SCHOOL UNIFORMSSolis 2The first record of school uniforms in education have been around England since 1222 (â€Å"Should Students,†2016). But, the origin of school uniforms can be traced back to the sixteenth century. School uniforms back then weren’t as seen as in today’s society. Back then wearing robes compared to a tucked in polo shirt with dress pants were considered school uniforms. The difference with wearing school uniforms back thenRead MoreDrug Addiction : The United States2115 Words  | 9 Pagesagreed QUESTION 7. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: # Question Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 3 I would take a prescription pill to perform better in school. 6 4 5 5 4 24 2.88 The results of this question are as follows: †¢ 25% of respondents strongly disagreed †¢ 16.5% of respondents disagreed †¢ 21% of respondents neither agreed nor disagreed †¢ 21% of respondents agreed †¢ 16.5% of respondents stronglyRead MorePeer Pressure2910 Words  | 12 Pagesbe a welcome break from citing Mark Anthony s oft quoted, Friends, Romans, Countrymen... speech. A good debate topic does not necessarily need to be a political topic. It can be funny, informative, contemplative, social, economical - the categories are endless. Debate topics for students need to be chosen keeping in mind the maturity level and understanding that they may be expected to have about the speech topic at hand. Always make a shortlist of topics that will seem interesting to the target
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reality Tv Essay Free Essays
Cassandra Clark AEGL – 101 Prof. Wall In our innovative and technical society, pop culture has flooded entertainment. The result is a talentless genre of television called reality TV. We will write a custom essay sample on Reality Tv Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This exhausted genre of television has taken a new approach to attempt to show outrageous and extreme scenarios to keep a grasp on its’ viewers. Rather than providing true entertainment, there reality TV shows often display a talentless, annoying cast. As well as fill their shows with product placement; allowing the cast members to get wealthy off of endorsement products and become living advertisement. In Salman Rushdie’s essay â€Å"Reality TV: A Dearth of Talent and the Death of Morality,†he states that â€Å"people are becoming famous for doing nothing much at all, but doing it where everyone can see them†(216). By analyzing several shows, Rushdie’s statement can be proven correct. One of the most popular, yet tragic examples of reality TV is the â€Å"Jersey Shore†. This â€Å"cast†consists of six guido’s and guidette’s whose only purpose is to drink, fight, party and have sex. Each episode consists of the cast living their lives while they do nothing but go out and bum around. Tanning, sleeping until two pm every day, and hooking up are among some things that this cast does. The oldest member of the show is Mike; is a thirty-year-old man who’s obsessed with his body image and his only job is the â€Å"Jersey Shore†. What a great role model! A man who has reached his thirties and only success in life has come from famous on a reality TV show. The show is aired on MTV, whose viewer’s range from young teens to young adults. The current and upcoming generations are bombarded with a false image of what it means to be an adult. In the real world, you can’t go out every night of the week, get black out drunk and then wake up with a fat check in your bank account. Nor can you make thousands each week without a higher level of education and a real job. Rushdie states that being â€Å"Famous and rich are now the two most important concepts in the western society†(216) and he couldn’t be more right. This assertion couldn’t be any closer to the truth and is validated by trash TV, such as the Jersey Shore. These six â€Å"adults†have become the most popular and widely known people in America; which is truly terrifying. Who knows, the cast of Jersey Shore could be smarter than we think. But their actions and low morals hide any chance of that being slightly believable. How to cite Reality Tv Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
ICT In Travel And Tourism Agency Managementâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The ICT In Travel And Tourism Agency Management? Answer: Inrtroducation: Its always seen that a strong tourism industry actually makes the countrys development reach new heights and make sure that there is social development as well. This also involves a lot of evolution and progression. In this industry of Travel and Tourism, the travel agencies play a great role in contributing to the growth. The role of communication is actually make sure that there is an influence on the choices of people and also to the destinations they would like to visit. In every day if a travel agency is actually using the ICT efficiently, then there will be a probable influence on the place they would like to visit vis--vis touristic destinations and the products they purchase or would like to. In daily business operations in any travel agency will involve a lot of work on the following: Presence online- Since now-a-days we have many agencies who are online, thus it becomes really essential to offer the packages online with exciting and mesmerizing photographs and small articles. (Bekkaoui, 2008). For example: Facebook allows you to sell packages on various groups along with description and photograph upload options. This is a normal operation which will can actually be used as a great communication tool- Communication Technology being the highlight. Information Technology: IT is too much into the travel agencies arena because of the popularity of websites and so much more. Thus for a travel agency, having a full proof site displaying all what they offer would actually help them get more and more customers. Here the IT will ease the process in great length- like payment options, availability and so much more on the customers fingertips. Also with the efficient systems now in place- customers can chat live which actually give them all the details without actually talking on phone and increasing the length of the process. Internet also proofs to be an excellent efficient tool. Even the world understands it that how important is ICT in travel industry and because of which the Chinese government has increased the budget for the private travel agencies who are in this business and actually promotes China as a great destination for tourists. (Mohamed Moradi, 2011). ICT not only will help travel agencies in general but will also assist them in handling a lot of other factors like that of mobile systems, transportation and eases their work quite a lot for currency conversions and translations etc. Travel agencies have a great help in managing travel groups on the above mentioned and makes sure that their business operations run smoothly. Travel agencies can actually use the ICT strategy and moreover data mining for information prediction and other management will actually encompass a combination of services and products which will be offered as s great bundle for the tourists to help in destination planning. Also countries around the world like Morocco, Australia even has given so much of help and budget to the local private business to expand. And they have been using these wide ranges of websites, social media pages only to make sure that they demonstrate all the beautiful places they have to offer. (Burgess, et. al 2011). Like for example- Malaysia has efficient information systems for visas in place which will help the travel agencies to actually smooth and save on time in procedural things. (Roman Dimitrios, 2012). Thus as per the various reasons which actually help travel agencies to get the benefits of ICT, thus the travel agencies should make sure that there should be a proper implementation of ICT in order to get benefits. This will also smoothen their daily processes and operations. References Bekkaoui, Z. (2008). A generic electronic market place platform [manuscript]: application to e-tourism (Masters thesis, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco), Available from Mohammed VI Library Online Catalog. (mlc.b1098520) Retrieved from ftp://its/AUI_Online_Theses/SSE-THESES/Bekaoui_Zahia_2008.pdf Burgess, L., Parish, B., Alcock, C. (2011). To what extent are regional tourism organizations (RTOS) in Australia leveraging the benefits of web technology for destination marketing and ecommerce?. Electronic Commerce Research, 11(03), 341 355. Retrieved from https://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=e3f849cf-3977-498e-a415-cda6a367feab@sessionmgr198vid=4hid=4211 Mohamed, I., Moradi, L. (2011). A model of e-tourism satisfaction factors for foreign tourists. Australian Journal of Basic Applied Sciences. 5(12), 877 883. Retrieved from https://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=55f38e06-e313-4948-a413-c0df2c5a7e7c@sessionmgr4002vid=3hid=4211 Roman, E., Dimitrios, B. (2012). E-tourism case studies. Routledge. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.ma/books?id=4eokjrxRb0MCprintsec=frontcoverdq=e-tourismhl=frsa=Xei=tdqnUuKGFIeS0QXDmICgDgredir_esc=y#v=onepageq=moroccof=false
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