Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Persuasive Speech On School Uniforms - 919 Words
School uniforms, do you consider them as an obstruction of the 1st amendment of the US Constitution â€Å"Freedom of Expression†? How about having equality amongst every child at school age? This is the perfect age to teach them that no matter the social economic status from one child to another, nobody is any less or more then someone else. School uniforms would be an enormous step towards shaping a better future for our children. This would stop all the questions some parents get from their asking â€Å"why I can’t have HM, Tommy Hilfiger, Adidas or American Eagle clothes like other kids in school†. The freedom of dressing how anyone wants is what every teenager wants and does, but this sometimes causes tension amongst them. I will be explaining†¦show more content†¦shirt or Urban outfitters. At this time was when low self-esteem kicked in. I would be shameful of what I wore to school and started to ask for nicer clothes knowing we couldn’t affo rd it. The belittling that went on for a couple of years provoked me the pressure of needing to have what others had. These types of situations happen more often than anyone imagines not just in middle school at any age where one person wants to be better than the rest. Secondly the disagreement most of the parents have about the school uniforms policy. Is just the beginning of the list of cons for this policy and yes, the cost for these such uniforms year by year go up like anything else! But I would imagine since they are being used for school â€Å"governmental†shouldn’t they be provided by the schools. At least a few to start of the year, since school uniforms are not tax-deductible per IRS. It does tend to add up if you have more than one child. So, it does have it pros and cons, but at the end are they worth it? Here is are a couple of statements from parents on their opinion on this issue. Both of the following statements talk about the same issue but with diff erent outcomes. â€Å"School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying†, â€Å"When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits canShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Michelle Obamas Speech900 Words  | 4 Pages A Rhetorical Analysis of Michelle Obama’s 2016 DNC Speech At the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Michelle Obama the first lady at the time, was endorsing the democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Using her personal connection with the president and Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama creates a more personal speech. 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